Though Orissa is an upcoming state in Industrialisation but it is renouned world over due to its handicrafts. Be it the gaudy Sambalpuri saree finely weaven by Hand looms or the patchwork, wall hangings and decorative items of Pipili or the intricate Filigree work in Silver of Cuttack. Because of the Filigree work Cuttack is rightly known as the "Silver City". |
"Applique Work" is distinct from what is known as patch work in which small pieces of cut fabrics are usually joined side by side to make a large piece of fabric or for repairing a damaged fabric. The base cloth is usually coloured. Some of the specially prepared motifs have exclusive embroidery work and some have mirror work. |
The stone scupltor also leave the mark since like a tradition their family are involved in stone carving which they have carried since generation. They have been rightly called the descendants of those who have erected such monuments which Orissa is proud of like "the Konark Temple". |
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